Thermocouples, plugs and cables
Thermocouples offer the user a rugged, robust method of measuring process temperature.
Typical Applications
Plastics extrusion and injection moulding barrels / die blocks.
Our standard thermocouples are suitable for applications operating in the range -200°C to +1700°C depending on the construction specified. We can supply sensors suitable for use in most applications and we can advise you of any limitations.
We also stock a range of thermocouple adaptors, plugs and compensating cables, contact us to discuss your requirements.

To order or enquire
Click here to download our Thermocouple survey sheet template
Alternatively, email us and provide as much of the following info as possible:
- Thermocouple Type (i.e. temperature range req’d)
- Probe Diameter
- Probe Length
- Profile of tip (e.g. flat, rounded or pointed)
- Insulated or bonded junction
- Spring o/d & Length
- Bayonet cap i/d & Length
- Lead type & length (e.g. 1500mm steel braided)
- Special fittings or termination details
- Qty required
- Delivery time required
- Thermocouple warranty
Please refer to section 6 of our Terms and Conditions of Business regarding warranty.